Please click on the link to find out if your student has work to pick up, thanks Wildcats!
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Hey everyone, it's Mr. Phillips! Just because we can't meet up together doesn't mean that we can't have some fun playing Dungeons and Dragons. Members of the Board Game Club and I have been meeting up online to play Dungeons and Dragons digitally. Our next meeting is on Friday, April 17th from 10 AM to 2 PM and we'll be playing every Friday at the same time for the foreseeable future. If you're interested in playing with us, contact me via email at and we'll get you set up to play with us! Thanks, Mr. Phillips
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Board game
This is our new mailbox for you to put your homework in after hours. Please bring your homework and put it in here if there is no one in the office.
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Nurse Kyla's tips of the week! Click here to learn more:
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Some people reported the link was not working on their device. Please try this one:
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
try this
Good evening, here is a letter that Mr. Haffner wants all to read. Thanks and stay safe Wildcats!
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Girls locker room Mystery Bag 2. Please contact the office if you recognize the items.
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Girls two.
Girls Locker room-Mystery Bag 1. Please contact the office if you recognize the items.
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
Girls 1
Awesome opportunity for our students from the Green Bay Packers! Click the link to learn more:
over 4 years ago, Bob Croschere
The School Board meeting for tonight is canceled. Sorry for any inconvenience, it will be held on April 20th.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Mystery bag #5 from the boys locker room. Please contact the office.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Mystery bag #4 from the boys locker room. Please contact the office.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Michelle Hoffman made these today for the doors in the old building. Part of the Heart Hunters movement on Facebook.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Mystery bag #3 from the boys locker room. Please contact the office if this belongs to you.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
There will be no meal delivery on Friday, April 10th, due to the Easter weekend. Thank you for understanding.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Band and Choir students need to pick up their fund raiser food to deliver tomorrow. Times were announced in a previous message.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
If you have: Mrs. Easter-6th grade communications, Mrs. Boettcher-Special Education, Mrs. Carroll-K-5 Math interventions, Mrs. Welcing's-all JH math classes, pre-algebra, and algebra, Mrs. Grunewald's-6th and 7th grade science and social studies, Mr. Zobeck's-all classes EXCEPT 7th grade Agriculture, Mrs. Cerveny's-9th and 10th grade Physical Science classes. You have new homework to pick up. If you don't have lunch delivered to your house, please stop by the school and pick up the new homework and drop off your old homework. We will bring it out to your vehicle. If you have lunch delivered to you, we will be dropping off the new homework and picking up your old homework at your house.
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
Parents, This is Mystery Bag 2 that we have in the gym. These clothes were in an unassigned BOYS GYM LOCKER. Mr. Wild and I have no idea whose these are. If you would like to claim these clothes, please call the office and let them know that you are the owner of Mystery Bag 2. We don't want to donate these clothes to Goodwill when we are sure that they are owned by someone. Thanks, Mr. Haffner
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere
bag 2
Parents, This is Mystery Bag 1 that we have in the gym. These clothes were in an unassigned BOYS GYM LOCKER. Mr. Wild and I have no idea whose these are. If you would like to claim these clothes, please call the office and let them know that you are the owner of Mystery Bag 1. We don't want to donate these clothes to Goodwill when we are sure that they are owned by someone. Thanks, Mr. Haffner
almost 5 years ago, Bob Croschere