Yearbooks are available to order. See the attached picture.

Announcement from the Shawano-Menominee County Health titled, "Shawano-Menominee Counties Experiencing the Realities of COVID-19"

All Fruit Order Forms are due back to Mr. Zobeck at school no later than noon on Wednesday November 11th please. Just drop off in the office at school.
Mr. Zobeck

Recent Science class project pictures

Hello Wildcats! We have parent teacher conferences next week on Tuesday evening and Thursday afternoon. Elementary teachers are scheduling their own conferences. This message applies to students in grades 6-12. These conferences will be virtual via phone, email, or virtual meeting (BlueJeans or Google Meet). Please watch the video and then sign up for a 15 minute time slot. Please put your student's name in the comment box. Thanks, and "see" you next week!
Video: https://youtu.be/h_kX9RQKkaw
Tuesday Sign up: https://bit.ly/GreshamTuesdayPTconf
Thursday Sign up: https://bit.ly/GreshamThurPTconf

Good afternoon Wildcats! We hope you are enjoying these near record high temps. Remember that pick up and drop off is from 3-6pm.

The Stockbridge-Munsee community will be hosting the Wisconsin National Guard to conduct COVID-19 testing. The testing will occur Tuesday the 10th of November from 8:00AM – 4:00PM at the Stockbridge-Munsee P&E building located at W13817 County Highway A Bowler, WI 54416.

The Fish & Wildlife Management class has been discussing creating wildlife habitat in class. For their project at home this week they built Bluebird houses.

Letter from Dr. Alphia Creapeau: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gKVwkRIWrC2EBf7UYgxoBafbBBlU_SJV/view?usp=sharing

Great projects!

A reminder to all FFA members selling fruit that the order forms are due back to Mr. Zobeck on Monday November 9th. Any payments that have been collected can be in the envelope as well if you would like. They can be dropped off on Friday with your school work or at any time at the school office. Any questions please call Mr. Zobeck at 715-787-3211 Ext. 404 or email him at zobeckj@gresham.k12.wi.us
Mr. Z

Seniors and Senior Parents, please watch the video found on this link from Jostens: http://bit.ly/GreshamSeniorVideo

Please check out our new mindfulness website created by our new school counselor Ms. Lagina: https://sites.google.com/gresham.k12.wi.us/mindfulnessatgsd

Yearbook orders are available. See the attached image.

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the end of the first quarter and to check your email today. Please make sure we have your current phone number and email address in Skyward. You can call the office to update your info.

Great costumes!

School Board Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wnefDGFKYFsNDFYt0PxJSHrIdeN5qV3M/view?usp=sharing

More great costumes

Another great pic of our Wildcats