The girls basketball game today has been cancelled. The boys team is still playing tonight.

Acapella App J.H. & H.S. Choirs with Jeff Fillmore on Cello & Mrs. Koz on piano and conducting:

Good morning Wildcats! Here is Mr. Haffner's latest video. When he talks about homework pick up, he is referring to today, Wednesday, December 23rd from 3-6pm. Have a wonderful Wednesday Wildcats!

We've been able to do some labs in science classes this past week--Chemistry class made crystal ornaments looking at supersaturated solutions, Biology students made mini ecosystems/biomes in a jar to look at succession with microorganisms over the next few weeks, and Bio II students created a lung model to wrap up our circulatory/respiratory systems chapter.

The Jr. High will be sledding on January 19th or January 22nd. Please click the link to learn more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bddKk2yI9kTh6mC7YJedJGqGnoDXb-WjhErIShzHKYU/edit?usp=sharing

2nd grade created puzzles of themselves in the Fab lab today!

Stockbridge-Munsee is hosting a community COVID-19 testing event on December 22nd and 23rd. All are welcome! Click the link to learn more:

2nd grade took a little trip to see Mr. Bosman and the fab lab. They made some ornaments with the laser engraver!

Some recent photos of elementary students practicing their skills in Physical Education.

Varsity Girls Basketball at Tigerton at 6:00 pm
Tigerton School District Facebook page
Varsity Boys Basketball at Home at 7:15 pm
Home fans only - 2 per student-athlete. Livestream at:

MS Boys Basketball at Marion will livestream at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5RgmsCvyp_TVfP-NJhJcvQ?view_as=subscriber

Phy Ed constructed some amazing snowmen today using Phy Ed equipment.

Order a yearbook today! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S6afE8Q22uPRWQyIcCbkDHOWWqaFxOcWz0cxiU3mrNE/edit?usp=sharing