Junior high girls basketball, 6th grade team and 8th grade team, victories!

Girls middle school basketball parents night is February 11th, see the picture for more information.

Some awesome pictures from Ms. Grunewald's science class, great job Wildcats!

The girls basketball playoffs begin today. However your Lady Wildcats secured a first round bye and will begin play on Friday. We will be livestreaming the game on our Gresham Events YouTube channel.

The FFA is doing a CRUSH soda sale for Valentine's Day, click to learn more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JfDpIp9vFbDHHKCibKnE_R7KwlRYZNJInvaxKXuhzqs/edit?usp=sharing

Employment Opportunities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kduCOCZqa5xxeVLJt6gqcdHjoMPDBgxbYIqBD_eP9uE/edit?usp=sharing
Secretary Job Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EoIX5NUJk3c9lv9nbV0hU-EomJjbVD1veLs2Pn4qIg/edit?usp=sharing

National Guard Drive-Thru COVID Testing Event, February 9th and 10th. See the picture for more information.

Please bundle up like these Wildcats!

More winter fun, stay warm Wildcats!

Stream the boys game at Bowler here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/BowlerSchool/videos/?ref=page_internal

Middle school girls basketball parents night information. (see picture)

More winter fun!

***HS Girls Basketball game scheduled for last night (Thursday) will be
played tomorrow (Saturday) Here vs.Tigerton @ 1:00 PM.
It will also be Parents Recognition and Senior Recognition prior to warm ups.

More Winter Walk fun.

Good evening, we will be doing yesterday‘s menu
Friday February 5 th
so we do not have any wasted food.
Breakfast -Brekkie cookie
Lunch-Tacos &
Chef salad
Thank you, Carrie

For Mrs Buettner’s and Mr Wild’s birthday. Snow people that look like them. Check out the details

These Wildcats had a great snow day!

Great pics Wildcats!

What a great day to get outside and enjoy the fresh snow. Share your pictures with us for “Winter Walk to School” month. Send your pictures to socialmedia@gresham.k12.wi.us