Daily Announcement for January 20, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Friday, January 20, 2023

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Andrew  & Elias 

***Happy Birthday to Lennon  on Saturday 


***Lunch for today is: Beef Chili or cheeseburger on a bun

***Breakfast for Monday is: Pancake on a stick or cereal

***Monday for Lunch is: Hot Ham & Cheese or Salisbury Steak Sandwich

***No 10th Hour

***Seniors: Recessional song suggestions due today, Friday, January 20.  

   See your Google Classroom.

***HS Boys Varsity (A) vs. Wisconsin Valley Lutheran at 7:15PM

                                  ****Bus time is 5:30
***Booster Basketball is tomorrow, Saturday for those in grades 2nd-6th. 

    Bring in your permission form; practice will be from 9:00-11 AM.

 *** Students please check the lost & found for hats & mittens along 

    with other items you may also have left on the bus or at school.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

As a student, you have many responsibilities. You are responsible for your 
books and papers, for completing your homework assignments, and for
studying for exams {tests}.
As a member of our school community, you also have responsibilities. You
are responsible for the way you treat yourself and others; you are
 responsible for the choices you make and the actions you take.
From the time she was quite young, television talk-show host Oprah Winfrey
 knew what it meant to be responsible. Now listen to here words:
   I don't think of myself as a poor, deprived ghetto girl who
   made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an
   early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to 
   make good.
Today, remember this: Regardless of the circumstances you were born
into, you can choose to take responsibility for the outcome of life.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.