Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, January 9, 2023
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Koda & Luke
***Lunch for today is: Cheeseburger or Fish Sticks
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Blueberry Loaf or cereal
***Tuesday for Lunch is: Chicken Nachos w/cheese or Max Stix
*** MS Girls Basketball (H) vs. Menominee Indian @ 4:00 PM
***HS students: If you have your completed field trip forms and $6 to turn in, please turn into Mrs. B. Hoffman today since Mrs. Buettner is out.
***Seniors: Recessional song suggestions due by Friday, January 20.
See your Google Classroom.
***There will be Musical practice today, Monday and Friday during 9th hour this week. There are still parts for students who want to participate. Please see Mrs. Koz if you have any questions.
***Students please check the lost & found for hats & mittens along
with other items you may also have left on the bus.
***Just on Wednesday Homework Club will be 2:00 - 4:00 PM.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will still go to 5:00 PM. No HWC on Friday's.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Life can be really difficult at times-our dad loses his job, or we lose
someone we love, or someone hurts our feelings.
So what do we do in the middle of difficulty? Albert Einstein would tell us to
look for an opportunity. In fact, he said:
In the middle of difficulties lies opportunity.
So how do we find opportunities in difficult situations? First of all, we look
for opportunities to learn and grow. Then we learn to ask for help when we
need it. And finally, we remember that moving through a difficult situation is
an opportunity to learn how to be a better human being.
Life is filled with ups and downs, and on the other side of difficulty we are a
little bit stronger and wiser. Today, look for an opportunity in every difficulty
you face.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.