Daily Announcements for December 6, 2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Robert, Keiannah and Mason 

***Lunch for today is: Italian Stromboli or Max Stix

***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Long John or Cereal

***Wednesday for Lunch is: Chicken Nuggets or Ham & Cheese Sandwich

***There will be a quick Student Council meeting in Mrs. Brockman's room

      during 9th hour on Today.  All members are expected to attend.

***There will be Quiz Bowl practice for ALL A&B team members this Friday during 9th hour in Mrs. Brockman's room. All students that want to participate in next week's competition MUST attend this practice.

***HS Varsity Girls Basketball are (A) vs. Stockbridge @ 6:00 PM

***HS JV/Varsity Boys Basketball are (A) vs. Marion @ 6:00 PM

***There will be Musical practice on Friday this week during 9th hour.  If you are interested in trying out for the Musical, please come to each practice.  Also, if you are interested in being part of the stage crew, hair and makeup or anything else.

 If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Koz.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:  

Gospel singer Tramaine Hawkins first began singing in church at the age

of four. By ten, she had recorded her first record. As an adult she became

a Grammy Award winner. Ms. Hawkins is very clear about one thing: She

knows that her music is her special gift to the world.

Now listen to what she says about what's really important in life:

                  . . . how we love and respect one another - that's what's

                   going to help us deal with the craziness and uncertainty in 

                   the world.

Today, let's strive to show each other respect, encourage each other when

it's needed, and say "thank you" where it's deserved. By just doing thee

simple things, we can help make our world a little less crazy and a little

more secure.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.