Daily Announcements for November 29, 2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Alexa 

***Lunch for today is: Double Hot Dog or Chips Salsa & Cheese

***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Sausage Breakfast Pizza

***Wednesday for Lunch is: Chicken Nuggets or Turkey Deli Sandwich

***Congratulations to Both MS Boys Basketball teams

       on their win against White Lake. Great Job Wildcats!!!

***HS JV/Varsity Girls Basketball are (H) vs. Gillett @ 6:00 PM

***HS JV/Varsity Boys Basketball are (A) vs. Rosholt @ 5:45 PM

***All students interested in competing on the A Team for Quiz Bowl: there will be a MANDATORY practice during 7th hour on Friday, December 2 in Mrs. Brockman's room. All students who want to compete on  the A team must attend this practice. 

See Mrs. Brockman with any questions.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:  

American folklorist Zora Neale Hurston is best remembered for writing

about the African-American culture of the 1930s and '40s.

Now listen to what she has to say to us today:

       Mama urged her children at every opportunity to

       'jump at the sun'. We might not land on the sun, but

       at least we would get off the ground.*

Today, ask yourself if you're jumping at the sun. What are your ambitions

. . .  your goals . .  . your dreams? Remember this: Aim high and you'll go

much farther than you would if you had no dream at all.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.