Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, November 14, 2022
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Lunch for today is: Walking Taco or Ham & Cheese Sandwich
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Blueberry Loaf
***Tuesday for Lunch is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or BBQ Rib Sandwich
***MS Boys Basketball (A) vs. Marion @ 4:00 PM
***HS Boy Basketball have their first practice today
***HS Girls Basketball have practice from 3:30 - 5 PM.
***Wednesday the girls HS Basketball have early morning practice so
students please just sit on the bleachers when you get here. Thank You!!
***There will be No Homework Club tomorrow, Tuesday November 15th
Due to Parent Teacher Conferences.
There is also No Homework Club on Monday November 21st; or
on Tuesday, November 22. There is Thanksgiving break on Wednesday,
Thursday & Friday so NO school.
***HS Students there will be a Quiz Bowl informational meeting during 7th hour tomorrow,
Tuesday, November 15th in Mrs. Brockman's room. All students who are interested in participating in the high school Quiz Bowl, please plan to attend.
***There will be a Student Council meeting in Mrs. Brockman's room during 7th hour on Wednesday, November 16th. All members are expected to attend.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Listen to this story about the great Renaissance artist Michelangelo:
One day friends watched Michelangelo as he worked on a marble statue.
When they returned a month later, he was still working on the same statue,
perfecting all the little details, polishing and removing even the smallest
flakes of marble. One of his friends said, "But these are only trifles
. . . little details." To this Michelangelo responded: "It's true, they are only
trifles, but trifles make perfection."
It's true, you know. Paying attention to the little details can be the
difference between average and excellent. So next time you're working on
a project, paper, or homework, remember this story and pay careful attention
to the details: punctuation, neatness, good handwriting. Simply
paying attention to the little details can mean the difference between a "C"
and a "A".
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.