Daily Announcements for November 9,  2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Chicken Nuggets or Ham & Cheese Flatbread

***Breakfast for Thursday is: Breakfast Bowl or Cereal

***Thursday for Lunch is: Soft Tacos or BBQ Chicken Sandwich

***There will be an assembly on Friday, for Veterans Day @10:30 AM.

***Any FFA members please bring your fruit forms to Mr. Zobeck asap.

***Thanks to all students, staff and community members for helping the FFA run a very successful blood drive yesterday here at Gresham Community School.  We exceeded our goal with 33 units collected.  Thanks to the FFA members that worked the drive and the staff for being flexible with them to allow them to work or donate blood!  Great job Wildcats!

***There will be No Homework Club on Tuesday November 15th

Due to Parent Teacher Conferences.

Then No Homework Club on Tuesday November 21st also.

***HS Students there will be a Quiz Bowl informational meeting during 7th hour next Tuesday, November 15th in Mrs. Brockman's room. All students who are interested in participating in the high school Quiz Bowl, please plan to attend.

***There will be NO Homework Club on Tuesday, November 15th.

        Due to Parent Teacher Conferences.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

How many of you have studied the life of Abraham Lincoln? Some people

say he is a wonderful example of the power of perseverance. He faced 

hardship and challenge his entire life. He was born into poverty. He lost

eight elections during his political career. He failed in business.

But Abraham Lincoln believed that we all have a duty-a duty to strive to

be the best we can be. And because of this belief, he persevered and

eventually became president of the United States.

He said,

A duty to strive is the duty of us all.

Today, let's follow the example of this great American president and strive

to do our best in all ways and at all times.

With something to think about, make it a great day. . . or not. The choice is yours.