Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Thursday, October 20th, 2022,
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Jacob
***Lunch for today is: Salisbury Steak or Chicken Bacon Ranch Melt
***Breakfast for Friday is: Breakfast Burrito
***Friday for Lunch is: Pepperoni Pizza or Hamburger on a bun.
***Juniors report to Mrs. Brockman's room at the beginning of 9th hour.
1). MS Soccer players please turn in your jerseys by tomorrow, Friday; to Mr. Zobeck
2) Any 6–12th grade students interested in joining FFA yet please see Mr. Zobeck asap.
3) HS Boys Basketball meeting in Mr. Zobeck’s room at 12:15 pm on Monday October 24th.
***The Gresham Volleyball team is hosting Bowler in the second round of WIAA Regionals tonight at 7:00 pm. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. Anyone attending will have to pay $6.00 to attend. No exceptions. Be prepared please.
Wear white to the match to support the Wildcats! Good luck girls!
*** A reminder to turn in your consent forms if you want a flu shot @ school.
Flu clinic for students is tomorrow Friday, October 21st.
Consent forms are available in the nurse's office & the October Newsletter.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Irish -born British writer George Bernard Shaw has this to say to us today:
I am the opinion that my life belongs to the community,
and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever
I can.
The community in which you live includes your family and friends, your
schoolmates, your neighbors, and the world community at large.
Today, remember this: Life is a privilege, and you have the privilege of
contributing to it. As a unique and non-repeatable human being, you can
contribute in a way that no one else ever can or ever will. And you can
start today. You can contribute by simply being the very best you can be
and looking for ways to help others.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.