Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, October 17th, 2022,
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Lunch for today is: Cheese Pizza or Chicken Sandwich
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Blueberry Loaf
***Tuesday for Lunch is: Pulled Pork over Mac & Cheese or
Ham & Pepperoni Melt
***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Coffee Cake
1). MS Soccer players please turn in your jerseys by Friday October 21st to Mr. Zobeck
2) Any 6-8th grade boys interested in playing MS Boys Basketball there will be a meeting in the Foods Room on Tuesday October 18th at 11:10 am.
3) Any 6–12th grade students interested in joining FFA yet please see Mr. Zobeck asap.
4) HS Boys Basketball meeting in Mr. Zobeck’s room at 12:15 pm on Monday October 24th.
***HS Cross Country Conference meet in Rosholt @ 4:00 PM
***MS Volleyball are (A) vs. Menominee Tribal School @ 4:00 PM
Good Luck Gresham Wildcats!!!
***In Support of HS Volleyball & Soccer Regionals;
wear Red tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18th.
*** A reminder to turn in your consent forms if you want a flu shot @ school.
Flu clinic for students is this Friday October 21st.
Consent forms are available in the nurse's office & the October Newsletter.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Did you give away a few extra smiles on Friday? Did you notice
how many people don't or won't smile?
Here's more to think about:
A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen, for it is
something of no value to anyone until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give
he who has none to give.
So don't be selfish with your smiles today. Give them away. And
especially remember to smile at someone who looks as if he could
really use one.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.