Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Thursday Sept 8, 2022,
Today is a A Day
Announcements for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Cory Matchopatow
***Lunch for today is: Beef Hot dog or Grilled Chicken sandwich
Friday for Lunch is: Fish Sticks or Cheese Pizza
***All Students will be released early @ 2:01 PM on Wednesdays
***Please make arrangements.
***Homework Club will begin on Monday, September 12.
***Students we are serving breakfast in the commons so if you decide to eat breakfast you are to go to the commons when you arrive; if you choose not to eat, you are to go to the gym.
***Attention all Class Officers and Reps: there will be a brief Student Council meeting this Friday during 9th hour in Mrs. Brockman's room. If you were elected to a class officer or class rep position, you must attend this meeting. Please make sure you accept Mrs. Brockman's invitation to the Student Council classroom by Friday, if you haven't done so already.
***Any HS student interested in being a Homework Club tutor,
Please get your application turned in by this Thursday, Sept. 8.
Homework Club starts next Monday Sept.12 turn into Mrs. Buettner
or Mrs. Brenda Hoffman.
***JH Please get your incentive permission slips turned in.
Names in the bucket starts Monday Sept.12. No permission slips -
no names.
Seniors: Turn in all your forms to the office or to Mrs. Brenda Hoffman by Today, September 8th to get your TREAT!
Seniors: Dues are $30 and due to Koda
by Monday, September 26.
***HS Basketball Girls please bring in your Basketball
Jersey and give them back to Mr. Haffner.
***FFA members please check your email for a Google Sheet that was shared with you to sign up to help with the Gresham Heritage Day on Saturday. We need everyone to sign up to help when they can to make this a successful event.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Mother Teresa was one of the most powerful woman ever to grace our
planet, despite the fact that she was physically very small, owned nothing,
and lived in poverty. One of the reasons she was such a powerful person
was because she understood the power of the words she spoke. She
spoke kind and encouraging words to hundreds of thousands of sick,
hungry, and dying people.
Now listen to what she has to say to us today:
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
It's true, you know. Our kind words echo out into the world in ways we may
never understand. So today, think about the power of your words before
you speak, and remember this: Speaking a few kind words is a simple and
very powerful thing to do.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.