Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday June 1, 2022
Today is a A Day
***Lunch for today is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Cooks Choice
Thursday for Lunch is: Beef Tacos or Cooks Choice
***SR High students if you need a final exemption form stop in the office
***HS Baseball uniforms should be turned in tomorrow; Thursday at 3:30 PM everything must be washed.
***Student Please check the Lost & Found for any items that may be yours.
***Gresham Booster Club Athletic Banquet is on Tuesday June 7th @ 6:00 pm at The Thirsty Whale @ Captain's Cove. This is for all winter & spring student-athletes and their families to attend. Senior athletic awards, football awards and Academic All-Conference will also be given out. A letter was sent home. Reservation forms should have been turned in yesterday on Tuesday May 31st. If not see Mr. Zobeck Today.
*** Open Gym tomorrow; Thursday June 2, from 3:30 - 5:00.
***Congratulations to the Little League B team on their 4-3 victory over Birnamwood.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Do you know someone who's a good listener, someone who listens so well
that you feel cared for simply because he or she is listening?
We all need to be listened to. It helps us to feel understood. It can also
help us work out our problems. The problem is, there are too many talkers
in the world and not enough listeners.
There's an old Turkish proverb that goes:
Having two ears and one tongue,
we would listen twice as much as we speak.
Today, be kind and be a good listener. Every time you see two ears, let
them remind you to listen twice as much.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . . . or not. The choice is yours.