Daily Announcements for  March 17,  2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Thursday, March 17 2022
Today is a B Day

Announcements for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Zara on Friday, March 18.
***Happy Birthday to Bentley & Brevyn  on Saturday, March 19.
***Happy Birthday to Ethan on Sunday, March 20.

***Lunch for today is: Macaroni & Cheese or
    Chicken Bites w/Sweet & Sour Sauce
    Friday No School  - No Lunch
    Monday for Lunch is: Hamburger or Fish sticks

***Track has a meet in Wausau at Wausau West High School 

       @ 4:00 with multiple schools.

***There will be No school Tomorrow, Friday March 18th
      There will be school on Monday March 21st.

***Culture Club Movie/Bowling Trip is Wednesday March 23, 2022.
      Paperwork needs to be in by Monday March 21,2022.
      Bus leaves @ 9:00 AM and will be back by 3 PM 

***Here are a few words of wisdom:
John Donne(dun) was a famous English poet who lived during the 
seventeenth century. He attended Oxford University, but was not allowed
to receive a degree simply because he was Catholic. Today, more than 
four centuries later, religious prejudices continue to divide the human 
Some of the most famous lines John Donne wrote are these:
         No man is an island, entire of itself:
         Every man is a piece of the continent,
         A part of the main.
In other words, none of us truly stands alone. We are all interconnected
with each other and the world around us.
Today, think about these words from John Donne and be aware of how
your actions and attitudes affect the world around you. Remember. each of
us is an important and unique piece of the greater whole of humanity.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . . . or not. The choice is yours.