Daily Announcements for  March 16,  2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Today is a A Day

Announcements for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Crispy Chicken Sandwich or 

    BBQ Pulled Pork on a Pretzel Bun
    Thursday for Lunch is: Macaroni & Cheese or
    Chicken Bites w/Sweet & Sour Sauce

***Jr & Sr High Students:

Please check your email. Checking your email lets you know & reminds

you of what's happening throughout the day. 

There is NO 10th hour Today
But there is Detention.

***Any HS students planning to Dual Sport this spring please see Mr. Zobeck
      Today to get forms for this.

***No school on Friday March 18th
      There will be school on Monday March 21st.

***Culture Club Movie/Bowling Trip is Wednesday March 23, 2022.
       Paperwork needs to be in by Monday March 21,2022.
       Bus leaves @ 9:00 AM be back by 3 PM 

***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Have you ever thought about how people see you? I don't mean what they
see in terms of your physical appearance, but what they see in terms of 
the kind of person you are-your character.
Listen to what activist Dolores Huerta say about how she wants people to 
see her:
              I would like to be viewed as a woman who cares for fellow
              human beings. We must use our lives to make the world a 
              better place, not just to acquire things.
If we were to examine the life of Dolores Huerta, we would probably see
her as a woman who cares about others. Her actions in the world reflect
her principles. Do yours? Today, remember this: Being a truly beautiful
human being is as easy as being a kind, caring, and honest person.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . . . or not. The choice is yours.