Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, March 7, 2022
Today is a A Day
Announcements for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Creasa
***Lunch for today is: Walking Taco or Hot Ham & Cheese
Tuesday for Lunch is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Cheese Calzone
***A huge congratulations to the students who participated
and competed in Solo and Ensemble on Saturday.
Hannah got a 1st on both her solo pieces.
Jocelyn received a 1st on her solo piece.
Hannah, Val and Josie received a 1st on their trio.
Cami and Adin received a 1st on their duet.
And Katie, Allie, Emily and Alivia received a 2nd on their quartet.
Congratulations to all of them and also
Thank you to Mr. Heninger for driving the van!!
***Jr & Sr High Students:
Remember to bring a water bottle to school.
Please check your email. Checking your email lets you know & reminds
you of what's happening throughout the day.
***Those going out for High School Track practice starts Today.
***Anyone in High School interested in playing baseball there will be a
meeting Today right after school in the commons.
***Any 9-12th grade girls planning to play softball this spring,
there will be a meeting at 12:15 on Tuesday March 8th in Mr. Zobeck’s room.
***No 10th hour on Tuesday, March 8.
***HS Boys Hoops Pizza Party after school on Tuesday March 8th in the commons.
All players need to get their practice Jersey and
uniforms turned in by Friday March 11th.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
When you dream about the future, what do you dream? How do you
envision yourself? Do you dream about a college education, a successful
career, a happy marriage? Do you dream about a world where people get
along together, a world without violence?
How and what we dream is very important. Listen to these words from an
unknown source:
It is in dreaming the greatest dreams . . . .seeking the
highest goals . . . .that we build the greatest tomorrows.
Why do you suppose that is? Well, think about it. If you can't even imagine
yourself going to college, do you think you ever will? It's difficult to become
what we can't even imagine, so listen up ! Today, let's dream great things
for ourselves and move confidently toward those dreams by doing our very best.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . . . or not. The choice is yours.