Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today Friday, January 21, 2022
Today is a B Day
Announcements for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Savannah & Lennon
***Lunch for today is: Pepperoni Pizza or Crispy Chicken Wrap
Monday there is NO LUNCH.... NO SCHOOL
Tuesday for lunch is: Max Sticks or Crispy Chicken Salad
***Quiz Bowl players meet in Mrs. Brockman's room after 2nd hour.
***There will be musical rehearsal during 9th hour. All students with parts and stage crew please attend. Any questions, please see Mrs. Koz
***HS Boys Varsity have a home game Tonight
vs. Wisconsin Valley Lutheran @ 6:30 (Time Change)
***There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 24th, 2022
***Monday the MS Girls Basketball have a
home game vs. White Lake @ 4:00 PM
***Any MS or HS girls interested in a softball open gym there will be one
in Bowler at the High School on Sunday from 10-11:30 am.
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
So much bad news on TV! But wait a minute! There's some good news!
According to an article published in Newsweek magazine, there's a lot to
be happy about. For example: We Americans are healthier and less
accident-prone than ever before and we've made huge improvements in
the environment.
So why don't we hear more good news more of the time? Well, it's a funny
thing about us human beings. We tend to give a lot of our attention to
what's wrong and not enough to what's right. We see the glass as half
empty instead of half full.
Today, look for the good in yourself, in others, in school, and at home.
Focus on what's right. You'll be surprised how much good news there
really is.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . . . or not. The choice is yours.