Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Monday, May 24th, 2021
Announcements for today include:
***Today is a A Day
***Happy Birthday today to Josephine & Saleighs
***Keep listening to announcements for the homecoming dress up and events this week
and the student council will have their last meeting on Thursday during 9th hour.
***Today for lunch: Max sticks or Ham Deli Sandwich
Tuesday for Breakfast: Brekkie
Tuesday for Lunch: Cheeseburger or Southwestern Salad
***Students: Please get into the daily habit of checking your emails in the morning.
***Wednesday is Half Day students will be released at 11:10 AM
MS & HS students it is a B Day with classes 5-8 hour.
***MS Track meet @ 4:00 PM Away vs WIttenberg-Birnamwood
***HS Track meet Varsity Invitational away vs Marion @ 4:00 PM
***Baseball have a game away @ Bowler at 4:30 PM
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Great American legislator Barbara Jordan once said:
If you're going to play the game properly,
you'd better know every rule.
Ms. Jordan knew that understanding the rules is an important part of life.
Rules can help keep us safe. Rules can protect us. Rules can turn chaos
into order. For example, where would we be if we didn't have to stop at
red lights?
Today, think about the rules we have here at our school, and as you do,
ask yourself this: How does this rule make my school safer?. . . or. . .
How does it help me be a better human being?
Learning to appreciate rules is part of becoming a grown-up and a
responsible human being.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.