Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Tuesday, May 18th, 2021
Announcements for today include:
***Today is a B Day
***Happy Birthday to Wanbli
***Today for lunch: Pancakes with sausage patty
***Golf vs. Shiocton @ 9:00 am
***HS Track meet is away at Wild Rose at 4:00 pm
***There is school on Friday May 21. The Snow day was used.
***There will be Play Practice Today and Thursday this week during 9th hour.
***There will be a Student Council meeting on Thursday in Mrs. Brockman's room.
***Tomorrow, Wednesday is Half Day students will be released at 11:10 AM
MS & HS students it is a A Day with classes 1-4 hour.
***Students: Please get into the daily habit of checking your emails in the morning.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
How many of you have heard of the "Dear Abby" column in the
newspaper? Abby has been giving advice for many, many years. Listen
to what she says"
The best way to tell the kind of person someone is, is to notice:
a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and
b) how he treats people when they can't fight back.*
Have you ever been nice to someone just because you wanted
something from him? Have you ever tricked someone smaller or weaker
than you just because you knew you could get away with it? If the
answer is "yes" then you might want to think about what Dear Abby is
saying to us today: A person's character doesn't take advantage of others.
Today treat others with respect and you'll be treating yourself to a better you.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.