Daily Announcements

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,

Today is Tuesday, April 6,, 2021

Announcements for today include:

Today is a B Day

***Happy Birthday to Hudson 

***MS Track and Field meeting today at 3:00 pm in the Commons.

***Today for lunch: Max Sticks or Grilled Chicken Salad

      Thursday for Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll

     Thursday for Lunch: Chicken Fajitas or chef salad

Congratulations to Bryson Nelson! 

Bryson scored highly enough at the forensics district tournament to qualify for state, 
which will be held virtually later this month.

**** There will be a Student Council meeting
       Thursday during 9th hour in Mrs. Brockman's room.

**Need a summer job?  Summer school has openings for teacher aides.  
    Feel free to pick up an application by Mrs. B. Hoffman's room 
    and return the completed forms by May 7th. 

***2021 Yearbooks on sale now! Ask any senior or Mrs. B. Hoffman. Just $30.00

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

When you crave something, you want it badly. Have you ever had a 
craving for something that just wouldn't go away...like a craving for
chocolate or a craving for pizza? We all get cravings from time to time,
and that's okay. What's not okay is when we constantly crave things we
don't have...when we spend too much time craving more clothes or 
craving new shoes or craving a bigger house or a nicer car.
Listen to these words written almost two thousand years ago by a
Roman philosopher by the name of Seneca:
      It is not the man who has too little,
      but the man who craves more, that is poor.
To be poor means not to have enough. So in other words, if you are
always wishing you had more, no matter how much you have, you will
never think you have enough and will think you are poor.
Today, focus on what you have instead of what you don't have. You may
 be surprised to discover that you really do have enough.

***With something to think about,  Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.