Morning Announcements

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Announcements for today include:

  ***Happy Birthday to Caprice 

***School will REMAIN Virtual till November 9th   
     Also scheduled picture day is for November 9th

   ***Reminder of the drive through pick up/drop off for homework
            is Friday from from 3 - 6 PM. 
       Homework will not be available till after 3.
       If you are unable to make it at this time; 
       Please call the school to make other arrangements.

2020 Daily Holidays that fall on November 3,include:    

  • Cliche Day - November 3
  • Election Day - November 3, 2020 (State Holiday in 11 States)
  • Give Someone a Dollar Today Day - November 3
  • Jellyfish Day - November 3
  • National Housewife Day - November 3
  • National Sandwich Day - November 3
  • Public Television Day - November 3
  • Skeptics Day International - November 3, 2020 (First Friday the 13th of the Year, and on Election Day)
  • SOS Day - November 3, 2020

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

Every day we are faced with many decisions. The choices we make
affect not only us, but those around us...and those around those
around us. It's like throwing a pebble into a still pond. Our choices ripple
out into the world in ways we don't always understand.
How do we know what the right choice is? William James, great
American philosopher says:
            Live by yes and no. Yes to everything good. No to
            everything bad.
How do we know what's good and what's bad? How do we know right
from wrong? First, we listen to the advice of our teachers, parents, and 
grandparents, or perhaps our ministers, rabbis, and priests. And then
second, we listen to our hearts.
The next time you're trying to make an important choice in life, be still.
Turn off the radio and the TV. Turn off the video games and CDs. Sit. 
Listen. As Jimmy Cricket says:
        Let your conscience be your guide.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.