Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Monday, October 12, 2020
Announcements for today include:
***Reminder of the drive through pick up/drop off for homework
is on Friday from 3 - 6 PM.
Homework will not be available till after 3.
If you are unable to make it at this time
Please call the school to make other arrangements.
*** School will remain virtual till the 23rd of October.
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on October 12, include:
- Columbus Day - October 12, 2020 (Second Monday in October)
- Cookbook Launch Day - October 12
- Day of the Six Billion - October 12
- Free Thought Day - October 12
- Indigenous People's Day - October 12, 2020 (State Holiday in some U.S. States)
- International Moment of Frustration Scream Day - October 12
- National Farmers Day - October 12
- National Gumbo Day - October 12
- National Kick Butt Day - October 12, 2020 (Second Monday in October)
- National Online Banking Day - October 12, 2020 (Second Monday in October)
- National Savings Day - October 12
- Native American Day's (South Dakota) - October 12, 2020 (Second Monday in October)
- Old Farmers Day - October 12
- Pulled Pork Day - October 12
- Spanish Language Day - October 12
- World Arthritis Day - October 12
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Marian Wright Edelman is the founder of the Children's Defense Fund.
She has worked very hard to help all children, regardless of their color,
race, or religion.
Ms. Edelman says:
All children are [important] to America's future. we don't have a
child to waste. We will not be a strong country unless we invest
in every one of our children.
Sound like she's on your side, The truth is, there are people right here
in our school who are on your side, who care about you and want to see
you succeed, You have teachers who care, You have counselors who
care. That's why they're here. They care.
You see, they understand the truth of what Ms. Edelman is saying: YOU
are important to America's future. We can't afford to waste any of your
special talents and skills. Today, remember that we want you to be a
happy and successful human being, because if you win the game of life,
we all win.
With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.