Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Announcements for today include:
**Happy Birthday to Carlos
**Under classmen: Do NOT Turn in Chrome Books
until further notice!!
**Just a heads up all homework needs to be turned
in by (TOMORROW) Thursday, June 4th (Except Chrome Books).
If unable to come during school hours
Please call the school (715-787-3211) and make arrangements
or use the drop off mail box.
**Gresham will still be delivering Free breakfast/lunch during the summer
Please call the school if you wish to continue these meals Thank You!!
You can call the school @ 715-787-3211 EX. 800.
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on June 3, include:
- Chimborazo Day
- Global Running Day - June 3, 2020 (First Wednesday in June)
- Jefferson Davis Birthday - (Local Observance in the State of Florida)
- National Egg Day
- National Running Day - June 3, 2020 (First Wednesday in June)
- National Tailors Day - June 3, 2020 (First Wednesday in June)
- Repeat Day (I Said "Repeat Day")
- World Clubfoot Day
2020 Weekly Holidays that include June 3, are:
- Black Single Parents Week - May 28 - June 3
- Hemp History Week - June 1-7, 2020
- National CPR and AED Awareness Week - June 1-7
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
We've talked before about fear, and how unnecessary fear can stop us
from realizing our goals and dreams. We've also talked about how fear is
sometimes a red flag warning us that danger is near. After all, there are
some things we should be afraid of: using illegal drugs, breaking the law,
or walking across a freeway. Unfortunately, many young people aren't
afraid when they ought to be.
Now listen to these African words of wisdom:
It's on the path you do not fear
that the wild beast catches you.
This summer, if you find yourself walking fearlessly down a dangerous
path, maybe you should ask yourself if there are consequences you should
be afraid of.Recognizing eh dangers beforehand may save you from
making a big mistake. In fact, it could save your life. This summer, be
smart and be safe.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours