Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Announcements for today include:
**Gresham is delivering Free breakfast/lunch during this closure.
Please fill out the form if you haven't signed up or want to change
your preference. You can call the school @ 715-787-3211 EX. 800.
**Due to No Power; NO ONE will be at school Tomorrow on May 20-22;
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday of this week.
** Lunches will still be going out on those days.
**There is a new mailbox for you to put your homework in after hours.
Please bring your homework and put it in there if no one is in the office.
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on May 19, include:
- Boys Club Day
- Hepatitis Testing Day
- Malcolm X Day
- May Ray Day
- National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
- National Devil's Food Cake Day
- Plant Something Day
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
How many times has someone dared you to do something you shouldn't?
Accepting a dare can be a dangerous thing to do, but not if you've been
dared by William H. Danforth, the founder of the Ralston Purnia Company.
In fact, he has a few dares just for you. Here they are:
I dare you to think bigger, to act bigger, and to be bigger. I
dare you to be strong and keep yourself fit. I dare you to
think creatively. I dare you to lead and inspire others. I
dare you to build character. I dare you to share. And I
promise you a richer and more exciting life if you do!
These are some dares we should all take. Today, remember this: It takes a
great deal of courage and daring to be the very best you can be.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.