Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Announcements for today include:
**Happy Birthday to Chase
**Gresham is delivering Free breakfast/lunch during this closure.
Please fill out the form if you Haven't signed up or want to change
your preference. You can call the school @ 715-787-3211 EX. 800.
**There is a new mailbox for you to put your homework in after hours.
Please bring your homework and put it in there if no one is in the office,
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on May 13, include:
- Children of Fallen Patriots Day
- Donate a Day's Wages to Charity - May 13, 2020 (Second Wednesday in May)
- Frog Jumping Day
- IEEE Global Engineering the Future Day
- International Hummus Day
- National Apple Pie Day
- National Bike to School Day - May 13, 2020 (Second Wednesday in May)
- National Fruit Cocktail Day
- National Night Shift Workers Day - May 13, 2020 (Second Wednesday in May)
- National Receptionists Day - May 13, 2020 (Second Wednesday in May
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
So what does it mean to be a successful human being? There are probably
as many different definitions of success as there are human beings.
Listen to this definition from world-famous cultural anthropologist Margaret
Mead. She says:
I must admit that I personally measure success on terms of
the contributions an individual makes to his or her fellow
human beings.
Notice she didn't say anything about money or power or material
possessions making a person successful.
Today, ask yourself this: What contributions do I make to my family, my
school, my community? Your answer could be the measure of your success.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.