Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Monday, May 11, 2020
Announcements for today include:
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on May 11, include:
- Accounting Day - May 11, 2020
- Confederate Memorial Day Observed - (South Carolina) - May 11, 2020
- Eat What you Want Day
- National Foam Rolling Day (RE: Massage)
- Root Canal Appreciation Day
- National Women's Check-up Day - May 11, 2020 (Monday following Mother's Day)
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
Listen to these words from former President Ronald Reagan, spoken to
a group of young people:
Don't throw away time-tested values because they are old.
And what are time-tested values? They're values such as honesty, moral
courage, duty, and virtue.
Today, think about the values that are guiding your choices. The values
you choose to live by determine the choices you make, and the choices
you make today determine your future... and maybe the future of our country.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.