Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Thursday, May 7, 2020
Announcements for today include:
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on May 7, include:
- Day of Vesak - May 7, 2020
- National Barrier Awareness Day
- National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day - May 7, 2020
- National Day of Prayer - May 7, 2020 (First Thursday in May)
- National Day of Reason - May 7, 2020 (First Thursday in May) - Set up in 2003 by Humanists/Atheists on the same day as the National Day of Prayer for a secular alternative
- National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
- World Password Day - May 7, 2020 (First Thursday in May)
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
Have you ever thought about what kind of disposition you have? Do you
have a cheerful disposition? A negative one? in other words, what's your
general attitude toward life? Are you looking for the good, or focusing on
the bad?
Listen to what former First Lady Martha Washington said about a person's
The greater part of happiness depends on our disposition.
What do you think? Do you think if you improve your attitude you can
increase your happiness? Today, ask yourself this: Do I need an attitude
adjustment? If the answer is yes, find someone to talk to - a parent,
teacher, counselor, friend, or spiritual leader. Talk about whatever it is that
is dragging down your disposition, because remember: Your happiness
may depend on it.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.