Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Monday, May 4, 2020
Announcements for today include:
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on May 4, include:
- Anti-Bullying Day
- Bird Day
- Dave Brubeck Day (Jazz Pianist and Composer)
- Intergalactic Star Wars Day
- International Firefighters Day
- International Respect for Chickens Day
- Kent State Shootings Remembrance - (Local Observance in Ohio)
- Melanoma Monday - May 4, 2020 (First Monday in May)
- National Candied Orange Peel Day
- National Orange Juice Day
- Petite and Proud Day
- Renewal Day
- Rhode Island Independence Day
- Star Wars Day
- World Give Day
**Gresham is delivering Free breakfast/lunch during this closure. Please fill out the form if you Haven't signed up or want to change your preference.
You can call the school @ 715-787-3211 EX. 800
**There is a new mailbox for you to put your homework in after hours. Please bring your homework and put it in there if no one is in the office.
**Students: Check the Live Feed App for Gresham for photos of the Mystery Bags
that we have in the gym. So You can claim these items if they belong to YOU!
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
Have you ever noticed that if you pay attention in class, you're more likely
to do better on your homework assignments? And have you noticed that
when you do well on your homework, you're more likely to do well on your
tests? And when you do well on your tests, don't you do better on your
report card? It's a simple idea, but we don't always stop to think about it.
This is how Oprah Winfrey says it:
My philosophy is that doing the best at this moment puts
you in the best place for the next moment.
Today, make every moment count. Moment by moment, choose to be your
best. It all adds up!
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.