Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Announcements for today include:
**Happy Birthday to Addison Lyons
**At Home Keep your Spirits Week Is April 27 - May 1st:
Tuesday - Creation in the Kitchen( Find a new recipe for cooking & baking)
Wednesday - Beach Day/Hawaiian Day (Ex: Hawaiian shirts, hats. shorts, ect.)
2020 Daily Holidays that fall on April 28, include:
- Biological Clock Day
- Brave Hearts Day
- Great Poetry Reading Day
- Kiss your Mate Day
- National Blueberry Pie Day
- National Brave Hearts Day
- National Superhero Day
- Pay It Forward Day
- Workers Memorial Day
- World Day for Safety and Health at Work
**There is a new mailbox for you to put your homework in after hours. Please bring your homework and put it in there if no one is in the office.
**Gresham is delivering Free breakfast/lunch during this closure. Please fill out the form if you Haven't signed up or want to change your preference.
You can call the school @ 715-787-3211 EX. 800
**Students: Check the Live Feed App for Gresham for photos of the Mystery Bags
that we have in the gym. So You can claim these items if they belong to YOU!
Thank You!!
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
Listen carefully to these words of William M. Peck:
Your morning thoughts may determine your conduct for
day. Optimistic thoughts will make your day bright
and productive, while pessimistic thinking will make it
dull and wasteful.
In other words, if you start off your day with a cheerful attitude, if you begin
with a smile and a determination to overcome any obstacles, you're much
more likely to enjoy your work and to get more accomplished.
So today, start things off on the right foot. Take on an optimistic attitude
and expect only the best for yourself and those around you.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.