Wednesday, April 1,2020

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,

Today is Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Announcements for today include:

**April is National Autism Awareness Month

**There is No Birthday to Announce today

**Band and Choir fundraiser delivery date will be this 
   Friday, April 3 from 11:00 am to 6:00 PM
   Drive up to school and someone will get your order. 

**Here are a few words of wisdom: 

Do you sometimes feel that life has been unfair to you that everything in
your life is hard and bitter? Well, the truth is that life is not always fair.
So what do we do when things are tough? Listen to what famous American 
author and public speaker Dale Carnegie says:
    When Fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.
Today, let's look for opportunities to turn bitter challenges into sweet
successes. How? By really looking for the good that might come from a 
difficult situation, and by asking"What can I learn from this, and how can I
do better the next time?"

**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.