Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,
Today is Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Today is a A Day
Announcements for today include:
**Lunch for today is:Beefy Nachos w/Cheese Sauce or Italian Meatball Sub
**Caring Community Cards were given last week to: Allie, Cody,
Holly, Katie, Rayna, and Cierra
**1. Jr/Sr High students please check your email and skyward daily!
**2. Remember to keep your jackets in your lockers!
**There will BE SCHOOL on Friday February 14,2020.
** It will NOT be a Snow Day!!
**Enjoy Monday, (February 17,) there is NO SCHOOL!!
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
Listen up! Here are five of the Ten Commandments of Human Relations,
written by a group of students:
Rule no. 1 Speak to people.
no. 2 Smile at people.
no. 3 Call people by name.
no. 4 Be friendly and helpful.
no. 5 Be cordial.
These rules seem very simple, but imagine for just one minute how
different our day would be if everyone here at school decided to be friendly
and cooperative all day long. It would be awesome, don't you think?
So today, remember this: It's simple little things we do that make a
big difference.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day... or not. The choice is yours.