Daily Announcements for May 31, 2024

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Friday, May 31, 2024

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to all the June, July & August Birthdays

***Any FFA members interested in attending the Summer Incentive trip to Wisconsin Dells on Tuesday August 6th please see Mr. Zobeck to pick up the permission form.

***All Homework Club students going to the New Zoo and The Children's Museum, this is a reminder that our trip is on Wed. June 5th.  The bus leaves school at  8:30 am and we will return about 4:30PM.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

Every morning this school year we've paused for a minute to listen to

words of wisdom from around the world. We've heard the words of poets,

philosophers, politicians, religious leaders, and even a small child.

So what now? Do we expect you to be the wisest young person intown?

Are we looking to see if you've sprouted wings?

Here's what American writer Elbert Hubbard says about that:

       Every person is a darn fool for at least five minutes every

      day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.

We do foolish things every day. We say something we wish we hadn't 

said. We do something we wish we hadn't We're too hard on ourselves

about one thing and not hard enough on ourselves about something else.

So the goal this summer is to do your very best to make the wisest choices

you can and try not to exceed the limit when it comes to foolish behavior!

Then . . . make it a great summer vacation or not. . the choice is yours.