Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
Happy Birthday to Allie
***Lunch for today is: Nachos w/cheese Sauce or Chili Dog
***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Breakfast Bowl or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Wednesday: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Meatloaf
***At Track Regionals last night we had great performances by all of the athletes that performed. Seven of our athletes will be advancing to sectionals on Thursday. Isabella had 1st place in the Shot Put and Emily took 3rd. Jemy took fourth in the Long Jump with a new PR of 14'9 inches, which is 7 inches more than her last PR. The Boys 4x100 and 4x200 relays consisting of Ethan , Cody, Kobe , and Riley also made it to sectionals on Thursday. All athletes did a great job and had a great 2024 track season. Thanks for working hard and having great attitudes.
***No Homework Club Today After School
***K-12 Concert is Tonight @ 6:00 PM
***Baseball are (H) Today, against White Lake and It's Senior Night @ 4:30 PM
***Students - Don't forget to turn in your permission slips for the CF Walk! If you don't bring it in, you won't be able to participate. Please hand it in to the front office or any teacher! If you need a new one, please see Mrs. Ready in the front office. Thank You to those who have turned your permission slip in already.
***Softball players you will need to hand your jersey in and final practice will be tomorrow at 3:45. You can drive yourselves is fine and it won't be long at all and you can leave as soon as needed to for the concert.
**Here are a few words of wisdom:
There's an ancient text* that reads:
There are no riches above a sound body.
All the riches in the world mean nothing if you don't have good health and a
sense of well-being.
Everyday we are faced with choices that affect our health and our bodies
- choices such as : Do I go out and ride my bike this afternoon, or do I sit
here and play my twentieth video game? Do I eat the whole bag of Oreo
cookies , or do I eat just two? Do I get some sleep, or do I stay up all night
and watch TV? Do I poison my body with drugs, or do I nurture my body with good food?
Walt Whitman says:
If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.
One definition for the word sacred is "treated with the highest respect."
Today, ask yourself if you are treating your body with the respect it
deserves. You'll be a richer person for it!
With something to think about ....Make it a great day . . . Or not.
The choice is yours.