Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
***Lunch for today is: Max Stix or BBQ Pulled Pork
***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Long John or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Wednesday: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Fish Sticks
***There is NO School on Monday, May 13th.
***The HS track team did a nice job last night in Wittenberg. Isabella broke her own Bowler school record for shot put at 34-1, getting second place. She also had 3rd in high jump. The boys 4x100 team of Ethan, Cody, Kobe, and Riley also took third with a new PR. Great job to all of you. Friday is our conference meet in Tri County.
*** There will be Play Practice after school on Wednesday this week until 4:30pm and on Wednesday and Friday during 9th Hour.
***Please congratulate Emily when you see her this week. She competed at State Solo and Ensemble at UW Green Bay this past Saturday and received a perfect score!! Congratulations Emily!! We are so proud of you!!!
***Any 8th-11th grade boys interested in playing basketball next year please
attend a meeting in the commons at 3:00 pm today.
***High school students: If you are eligible for the field trip to Badger Sports Park next Friday, you must turn in your permission slip and advanced make up forms by next Wednesday, May 8th. The $6 is due by Thursday, May 9th. If these are not turned in, you will not be going. All forms and money need to be turned in to Mrs. Brockman.
***Shawano Optimist's Bike Rodeo this Saturday, May 11 from 8:30 - 10:30 AM Zion Lutheran Church Parking Lot in Shawano. Rain date is May 18th.
***2023-2024 Gresham Wildcats Fan of the year. Please submit your nominations to by May 23,2024
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Have you ever felt as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Did you know that everybody experiences times when life is painful?
What can we do when we are hurting or sad? One thing we can do is look
for the love in our lives. We can look for love in our parents or friends or
teachers . . . or in our places of worship. We can look for love in
sacred books or in the beauty of nature or in the things we love to do. We
can look for love inside ourselves and we can give that love to those
around us.
Today, remember these words from Greek philosopher Sophocles
(pronounced SOFF oh klees):
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is LOVE.
The next time you're feeling really sad, remember to give and receive a
little love.
**With something to think about, Make it a great day . Or not …..
The choice is yours.