Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Lunch for today is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Pancakes w/egg bake
***Breakfast for Thursday is: Cinnamon Roll or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Thursday: Chicken Alfredo or Hamburger
****There is No Kids in the Kitchen today; needs to be rescheduled.
***Attention Play Students, there is a change to the rehearsal schedule this week. There will NOT be rehearsal after school today, Wednesday, it has been changed to Thursday after school until 4:30. There will still be rehearsal during 9th Hour on Wednesday and Friday this week. Please make a note of the change and let your parents know. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Koz.
***High school prom tickets are available for purchase from Mrs. Osborn from today until Thursday, May 2. Tickets are $10 per person. Anyone who'd like to bring a guest from another school to prom should also pick up a guest form from the office.
***This Week: Little Wildcats Playgroup; will be Friday, April 19th for children birth to 5 years. Children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the entire event.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Our hearts almost always know the difference between right and wrong. We just need to listen. Sometimes it's hard to listen, especially when our heart is saying "This is wrong" while our mind is telling us "Everyone else is doing it. Do you remember the root meaning of the word courage? It means "the heart." Next time you are faced with negative peer pressure, have the courage to listen to your heart. Then remember these words form Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United States:
One person with courage makes a majority.
We all know that the majority rules. So be a leader. Be the one brave enough to say, "This is wrong." Remember, when you're courageous enough to do what's right, you join the ranks of some of the greatest men and women in history.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . Or not …..
The choice is yours.