Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, April 8, 2024
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday today to Max
***Lunch for today is: Cheese Quesadilla or Chicken Nugget Basket
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Breakfast Bowl or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Tuesday: Beef Tacos or Corn Dog
***The high school baseball game at White Lake has been postponed for today. Practice at the field as normal.
***There will be NO play practice 9th Hour or after school on Monday the 8th. There will be play practice after school on Wednesday and during 9th Hour Wednesday and Friday. Any questions, please see Mrs. Koz.
***There will be NO Homework Club on Thursday, April 11, due to -
Parent Teacher Conference 3:45 till 6:45 PM.
***Are you looking for a summer job? We are seeking classroom aides and substitutes for the 2024 Summer School program. Apply to join the staff at Gresham Summer School, today! The summer school program will run June 10 - July 11, with in-service on Thursday, June 6. Applications are available in the front office and need to be returned by Friday, April 12, 2024, to
Ms. Cassie Yaeger,
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Great American legislator Barbara Jordan once said:
If you're going to play the game properly,
you'd better know every rule.
Ms. Jordan knew that understanding the rules is an important part of life.
Rules can help keep us safe. Rules can protect us. Rules can turn chaos
into order. For example, where would we be if we didn't have to stop at
red lights?
Today, think about the rules we have here at our school. and as yo do,
ask yourself this: How does this rule make my experience at school safer?
. . . . or. . . . How does it support me in being a better human being?
Learning to appreciate rules and understanding their purposes is part of
becoming a mature, wise, and responsible human being.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . Or not …..
The choice is yours.