Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Friday, January 26, 2024
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Alex , Mason & Lyte
***Happy Birthday on Saturday Misit & James
***Happy Birthday on Sunday to Jack
***Lunch for today is: Pepperoni Pizza or Salisbury Steak Sandwich
*** Breakfast on Monday is: Brekkie or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Monday is: Chicken Sandwich or Hot Ham & Cheese Flatbread
***HS Lady Wildcats (H) vs. Marion. Time change to 6:00 PM
***Congratulations to the HS JV win last night against Marion
***Great Job to the 5/6 grade girls on their win over White Lake last night!
**Also reminder no Practice for MS girls basketball after school.
*** We are still looking for 2 or 3 more students to participate. The play is called "Reality Stars: Greek Gods Edition". It is a funny reality show type play with Greek Gods in it. Please consider participating in this fun play. The performances will be in May so there is plenty of time to join and learn your lines. Any questions, please see Mrs. Koz.
***Attention students and staff: Student Council will be taking orders for Crush soda beginning Tuesday, January 30th. Sodas will be $1 each or 6 for $5. Student Council will take orders during middle and high school lunches Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sodas will be delivered by Student Council during 9th hour on Wednesday, February 14th. Elementary students can turn their money and order slips into their teachers.
***There will be short 10 minutes baseball meeting/signup
right after school next Tuesday
***No 10th hour this week; January 23-26. Mrs. Brenda Hoffman
will be checking grades this week and you should receive
an email on Monday, January 29th.
*** Any FFA members interested in participating in the Hoard's Dairyman National Cow Judging contest please see Mr. Zobeck to pick up the information. Prizes will be awarded. Deadline to turn them in is Thursday March 14th.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
There's an old German proverb that goes like this:
People show their character by what they laugh at.
Comedians stumble and fall and spurt and stammer to make us laugh. . .
not just at them, but at ourselves. Or maybe it's more appropriate to say
that they invite us to laugh with them.
So why isn't it appropriate to laugh when a fellow student stumbles or falls
or spurts or stammers?
There is a big distinction between laughing with a comedian or someone
who is deliberately trying to make us laugh, and laughing at someone who
isn't. Remember, it's one thing to laugh , and it's another thing to make
others, feel ashamed.
The next time a fellow student does something you're tempted to laugh at,
be respectful and ask yourself this question: "Am I laughing with her or at her?
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.