Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Arizma
***Lunch for today is: Max Stix or Mac & Cheese
***Breakfast for Thursday is: Donut with a grown up or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Thursday: Cheeseburger Basket or
Pancakes w/sausage Links & Breakfast Potatoes
***Good Luck to our grade level winners at the Spelling Bee today.
***Great Job to the 4/5 & 6/7 grade boys basketball on their wins against St. James Great playing by all!
***Congratulations to the JV boys basketball team on their team effort to defeat
Rosholt-55-33. The wildcats offense was led by Darius 19 points and Ryder 16 points.
***Congratulations to the Lady Wildcats on your win against Northland Lutheran.
*** Great team effort by all.
***There will be Play practice this week during 9th hour on Wednesday and Friday and also after school until 4:30 on Wednesday. All speaking parts need to be to at least 2 practices this week. Also, we are still looking for 2 or 3 more students to participate. The play is called "Reality Stars: Greek Gods Edition". It is a funny reality show type play with Greek Gods in it. Please consider participating in this fun play. The performances will be in May so there is plenty of time to join and learn your lines. Any questions, please see Mrs. Koz.
***No 10th hour this week; January 23-26. Mrs. Brenda Hoffman
will be checking grades this week and you should receive
an email on Monday, January 29th.
***Taher Foods is Conducting a Survey: *Anyone who wants to fill one out a survey they are available at the cashier station or ask one of the ladies in the kitchen.
*** Any FFA members interested in participating in the Hoard's Dairyman National Cow Judging contest please see Mr. Zobeck to pick up the information. Prizes will be awarded. Deadline to turn them in is Thursday March 14th.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Jose Marti was one of Cuba's national heroes during the 1800s. He fought
for Cuba's independence from Spain. Jose Marti was a greatly respected
poet, lawyer and journalist. Here's what he has to say to us today:
Mankind is composed of two sorts of men-those who love
and create, and those who hate and destroy.
It's been said that:
Love is the glue that holds the universe together.
If love unites us and connects us, what do you suppose hate does?
Hate separates and divides us. Love pulls us together. Hate pulls us
apart. Love creates. Hate destroys.
Jose Marti was a wise man who understood what happens when people
love and when people hate. As you watch current events, remember his
words, then think about the world we live in. Where in our world do you
see hate in action? What are the results of that hatred? Where in the
world do you see love in action? What are the results of the love? Take a look.
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.