Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Jaiden
***Lunch for today is: Chicken Bacon Ranch Melt or Chicken Sandwich
***Breakfast for Thursday is: Breakfast Bowl or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Thursday: Chicken Alfredo or Bacon Cheeseburger
***Attention Play Students, there will be NO play practice this week. Play practice will start after school next week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday until 4:30pm. If you have any questions please talk to Mrs. Koz.
***Students - Mr. Haffner, Mrs. Hanssen and Ms. Lagina shared the 2024-25
course description books at 9:45 AM on Jan. 2.
Teachers will be doing a scheduling talk with all of the classes today, Jan.3.
If you have Erving Class you must go there and touch base later.
Scheduling for 24-25 will take place on Jan.10, 2024 in various classes.
Student choices are due by January 17, 2024 as we will be entering them in Skyward on Jan,18.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
So what do you think is the best way to solve all the problems in the world?
Listen to this old Spanish proverb:
Three helping each other will do as much as six men singly.
In other words, half the effort produces twice the results when people
cooperate and support one another. Think about that.
Woodrow Wilson, our 28th president, says it this way:
The highest and best form of efficiency is the . . . cooperation
of a free people.
Efficiency means "to do with as little effort as possible. "When we work in
groups . . . .when we choose to cooperate. . . wonderful things can
happen. That's why school clubs and study groups and sports teams are
So the question of the day is: How can you and your world benefit from
your participation in a group activity?
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.