Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Monday, December 4, 2023
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***Lunch for today is: Beef Hot Dog or Hot Ham & Cheese Flatbread
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Breakfast Pizza or Choice of Cereal
***Lunch for Tuesday: Chicken Nachos & Mini Corn Dog
***MS Boys Basketball (H) vs. Bowler @ 3:30 PM.
***HS JV/Varsity Lady Wildcats (H) vs. Iola @ 5:45
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Someone wise once said:
Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.
When we are dealing with an irritating problem, it's very hard to see the
opportunity behind it, but it's there if you look. Sometimes the opportunity
is simply the chance to learn how not to get yourself into the same problem
again. When we look for the opportunity ( instead of dwelling on the
problem), surprising things can happen.
Do you know how a natural pearl is created? It all begins when a n irritating
grain of sand winds up inside the shell of the oyster, and from this irritation
a beautiful pearl is created.
The Japanese say it this way:
"Difficulties make you a jewel."
***With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.