Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Friday, May 26, 2023
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Deklyn & Thomas
***Happy Birthday on Saturday to Ryder
***Happy Birthday on Monday to Brett & Brycen
***Lunch for today is: Grilled Chicken Sandwich or Ham & Cheese Panini
***Breakfast & Lunch Monday - No school
***Breakfast for Tuesday is: French Toast Loaf or cereal
***Tuesday for Lunch is: Beefy Nachos or Cooks Choice
***NO 10th Hour Anymore this school year
***Semester Exam Exemption slips can be picked up in the office
***Emmitt is on to state for Gresham-Bowler track and field. He was the D3 Marathon Sectional champ in high jump with a jump of 6’6” and took 2nd in triple jump with a jump of 43’ 1”. He will be going to La Cross next week and competing Friday and Saturday at the State track meet. Go Emmitt! --
***High School track will be having an end-of-season party on Tuesday, May 30th outside from 3:30-5:00 at Bowler. All athletes need to bring their washed uniforms and warm-ups to turn in at this time. Food will be provided. If you wish to bring a treat to pass, feel free. Wonderful Job on a Great Track Season Athletes!
***There will be No early release on May 31st. This will be a full day.
***Also this will be the Last Day for the Homework Club on Wed. May 31st.
*** The last day of school is June 2nd, and will be a half day.
Here are a few words of wisdom:
This coming Monday, schools, businesses, and government offices will be
closed in honor of Memorial Day, a day for remembering the brave men
and women who have died in service to our nation.
Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day because families and
friends would visit the graves of fallen soldiers and decorate them with
flowers and wreaths. That tradition continues today. Many towns and cities
will also have parades honoring those who have died so that others can be free.
Between now and Monday, it's important to spend a little time thinking
about the fact that many men and women have given their lives so that the
rest of us can enjoy all the little freedoms we take for granted-like the
freedom to choose where we live or how we will worship or what job we will
have. In fact, take time today and make a list of five freedoms you enjoy
because others have given the most precious gift of all, their lives.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.