Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include
***Lunch for today is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Chef Salad
***Breakfast for Thursday is: Breakfast Bowl and Golden Graham Cereal
***Thursday for Lunch is: Macaroni & Cheese or Pulled Pork Flatbread
***Today is Early Release at 2:01 PM.
Next week Wednesday will be a full day.
***High School track will be having an end-of-season party on Tuesday, May 30th outside from 3:30-5:00 at Bowler. All athletes need to bring their washed uniforms and warm-ups to turn in at this time. Food will be provided. If you wish to bring a treat to pass, feel free. Wonderful Job on a Great Track Season Athletes!
***There is NO School on Monday May 29th, to celebrate Memorial Day
***There will be No early release on May 31st. This will be a full day.
***Also this will be the Last Day for the Homework Club on Wed. May 31st.
*** The last day of school is June 2nd, and will be a half day.
***This is Mrs. Ready with a few words of wisdom:
Did you know that human beings are the only creatures on the earth that
can laugh? It makes me wonder if laughter has some special purpose.
Let's think about that. Laughter does, after all, help relieve some of the
stress of life. It feels good to enjoy a good laugh. It's a good release. And
have you ever noticed that when we share laughter with others, it brings
you closer together? Some people even think that laughter heals. What do
you think?
Now listen to these words from French writer Sebastien Chamfort:
The most utterly lost of all days is the one in which you
have not once laughed.
Today, let's make it a great day with a little laughter . . . or not.
The choice is yours.