Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Friday, May 12, 2023
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Jacob & Delilah
***Lunch for today is: Philly Flatbread or Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
***Breakfast for Monday is: Pancake on a stick or Honey Nut Cheerios
***Monday for Lunch is: Shrimp poppers or Chicken BBQ Sandwich
***Students: Don’t forget to get your permission slips
signed for the CF Walk & turned in ASAP!
***Congratulations to the HS Baseball team on their win against Northland/Wisconsin Valley Lutheran yesterday
***HS Baseball have a (H) game vs. White Lake @4:30 PM
***HS Track is away @ Tri-County Conference Meet @3:45 PM
***Attention all Student Council members: There will be a meeting in Mrs. Brockman's room during 8th hour today. All members are required to attend as we will be going over end of the year activities and plans.
Friday-May 12th-WRITE a note to a staff member. Tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them how much you appreciate them helping you with homework, helping them get to classes, helping them in the lunch line, helping them at recess, etc...
***The Gresham FFA Chapter is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday May 16th from 12-5 pm in the back gym. If you are 16 or older and want to sign up for an appointment time slot to donate blood that day please reply to this email, or see Mr. Zobeck or Josie to get signed up. 16 year olds will need a form completed by a parent/guardian to donate. Forms can be picked up from Mr. Zobeck or Josie.
Thanks for considering it! We are only 29 pints from getting to the next tier level to increase the scholarship amount to be given to a graduating senior this year.
***High school prom tickets will be available for purchase from Mrs. Osborn until Thursday, May 18. Tickets are $10 per person. Anyone who'd like to bring a guest from another school to prom should also pick up a guest form from the office.
***Students who are not assigned to a bus route or getting on a different bus route need a phone call to the office or a written note from their parent so the office can give you a form to hand to the Bus Drive to allow you to ride home with another student.
***The Gresham FFA/Plant Science Class are having their Plant Sale
on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. till noon; @ Gresham School Greenhouse.
****Plants are also on sale at Gresham Hardware during any of
their normal business hours***
***Shawano Optimist's BIKE RODEO is tomorrow,
Saturday May 13th from 8:30 am-10:30 am
Rain date is May 20th
at Zion Lutheran Church Parking Lot: 1254 S Union St, Shawano
WIN A FREE BIKE must be present to claim
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Listen to what writer Kesaya E. Noda, author of the book Growing Up
Asian American, says about her mom:
My mother is a woman who speaks with her life
as much as with her tongue.
What a beautiful way to rephrase the old expression: Actions speak louder
than words.
The women who mother us speak to us in many ways. They tell us of their
love every time they offer an embrace or a nod of approval. They tell us of
their concern every time they prepare a meal, or offer a blanket when we're
Next time you are with the person who mothers you, notice all the little
things she does that tell you that she cares. Then write a letter of
appreciation. It's the best Mother's Day gift you could ever give her.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.