Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to William
***Lunch for today is: Beefy Nachos w/cheese sauce or Grilled Chicken Sandwich
***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Coffee Cake or choice of Cereal
***Wednesday for Lunch is: Corn Dog or Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich
***NO 10th hour today
*** Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3, is National ride your Bike to school.
***Tomorrow, Wed. May 3rd, a representative from NWTC will be here to meet with students throughout the day so stop on by and say hi.
***High school prom tickets will be available for purchase from Mrs. Osborn from this Thursday until Thursday, May 18. Tickets are $10 per person. Anyone who'd like to bring a guest from another school to prom should also pick up a guest form from the office.
***HS Softball (A) with a Double Header vs. Port Edwards @ 4:00 PM
***MS & HS Track meets are cancelled for today; Practice as usual.
***HS Baseball will be practicing today through Friday at the field.
***Students: Don’t forget to get your permission slips
signed for the CF Walk & turned in ASAP!
***Seniors: Remember to check your emails daily! Don't miss important
graduation things from Mrs. Brenda Hoffman
***The Gresham FFA Banquet is this Saturday May 6th starting at 5:00 pm. A meal will be served and many awards will be handed out. All Gresham FFA members should plan to be in attendance at the banquet and there is no charge to attend for you and your family. Any questions see Mr. Zobeck.
***All FFA members need to check their email for a Google Form that was sent to you. Please complete the Google Form by Tuesday May 2nd at 3:21 pm for your votes to count for selection of the 2023-24 Gresham FFA Chapter Officer team. Your vote matters, please make sure it is counted and turned in. Be sure to only vote for 7 candidates on the form.
***Attention all sophomores and juniors who are interested in learning more about Gresham's classes that will be offered for college credit. There will be an informational meeting with Mrs. Brockman and Mrs. Becky Hoffman in Mrs. Hoffman's room during 9th hour on Thursday, May 4th. Coming to the meeting doesn't require that you take the class, it's just to share information and encourage students to sign up for any of the classes.
***Shawano Optimist's BIKE RODEO is Saturday May 13th from 8:30 am-10:30 am
Rain date is May 20th
at Zion Lutheran Church Parking Lot: 1254 S Union St, Shawano
WIN A FREE BIKE must be present to claim
***Gresham Booster Club FAN OF THE YEAR 2022-2023
-Please email your nomination and a brief summary as to why
the candidate holds the qualities of Fan of The Year-
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
In Daniel Defoe's book The life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,
Robinson Crusoe makes a notch on a stick in order to count the days.
American author Henry David Thoreau thinks we should follow this
example, but with a slight twist. He says:
We should mark a notch every day on our characters,
as Robinson Crusoe did on his stick.
We've talked before about the root meaning of the word character, which
literally means "to engrave." As we mature and develop our charter, we
notch into ourselves virtuous qualities qualities such as reliability, fairness,
kindness, and honesty.
So today, remember this: Every time you commit a random act of
kindness, take responsibility for your actions, and treat others with
fairness, you are making a notch in your character. And with every notch,
you are becoming the best you can be.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.
The choice is yours.