Daily Announcements for March  24, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Friday, March 24, 2023

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday on Saturday to Hunter & Darwin 

***Lunch for today is: Cheese Pizza or Meatballs & Gravy

***Breakfast for Friday is: Breakfast Burrito or Cereal

***Friday for Lunch is: Cheese Pizza or Meatballs & Gravy

***Seniors: Reminder that your local scholarships are due to Mrs. Brenda Hoffman by 3pm today.  Get them to me ASAP so that I can print them. 

***There is no homework club next Thursday, March 30th, due to parent-teacher conferences. 

 ***FFA members please check your email for the Google Form about SAE's.  See Mr. Zobeck if you have any questions about this.  This is not mandatory, but encouraged.  All that complete the Google Form will be recognized at the Gresham FFA Banquet on Saturday May 6th.  Google Forms are due by Friday March 31st.

**Need a summer job?  Gresham Summer School is looking for teacher aides for multiple classrooms.  Dates are June 19-July 20th from 7:30am-1:30pm, Monday-Thursday.  If interested there are applications on Mrs. Brenda Hoffman's bulletin board.

***The Lady Wildcats have the following Conference Championship T-shirts

to sell  for $13. Two small, one medium, two large and one extra large.

If interested, call/email Mr. Haffner.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

All we human beings have one thing in common: We are sailing through

life the best way we know how. And have you noticed that some of us are

sailing on smoother seas, while others are sailing in some pretty rough

waters? In other words, some of us are facing very few challenges and

others seem to face one major challenge after another. We can all agree

that it's easier to be a successful human being when everything is "smooth

sailing" and harder when things are rough.

Now listen to theses words from American minister Robert Schuller:

        Any person can be successful on smooth seas-but, it is

        the victor over the storm who gains true honor.

If your life is a bit stormy and the waters are rough, remember this: If you

hang in there, ask for help when you need it, and keep a positive attitude,

you'll be a stronger, wiser human being when you reach the other side of

the storm.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.