Daily Announcements for March 20, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Monday, March 20, 2023

Today is a A Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Ethan  & Addie 

***Lunch for today is: Chicken Sandwich or Beef & Cheese Quesadilla

***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Blueberry Loaf or Cereal

***Tuesday for Lunch is: Beef Hotdog or Chips, Salsa, & Cheese Cubes

***Any High School spring sports student-athletes planning to do dual sports need to see Mr. Zobeck for a Dual Sport Participation Form to be completed and returned to Mr. Zobeck asap.

***HS Softball players will be taking a van to practice in Bowler.  The van will be out front of school by the office doors right after school.  Please quickly make your way out to the van.  Bowler will transport you back after practice.

***Congratulations to the following student athletes at their first indoor track meet in Wausau last Thursday.  Emmitt from Bowler placed 1st in Triple Jump and 2nd in both high jump and long jump. Bryson placed 6th in the boys mile race with a time of 5:27. Boys 4x160m relay placed 7th and girls 4x160m relay placed 8th.  Great job to all meet participants!
Practices will continue to be indoor this week at Gresham School from 3:45-5:00pm.  Please come prepared to spend some time outdoors if the weather is cooperating.   

***Reminder: HS Baseball practice is in the gym,  Mon.-Thursday from 5-6 PM. 

***Seniors:  Reminder that your local scholarships are due to Mrs. Brenda Hoffman by 3pm Friday.  Get them to me ASAP so that I can print them.  Thank you.

***Any FFA members interested in participating in the 1st Annual March Madness Dairy Judging Contest please see Mr. Zobeck asap.  Entries will be due by Wednesday March 22nd at 2:01 pm. No experience necessary.  Awards will be presented to the highest finishers!  

***FFA members please check your email for the Google Form about SAE's.  See Mr. Zobeck if you have any questions about this.  This is not mandatory, but encouraged.  All that complete the Google Form will be recognized at the Gresham FFA Banquet on Saturday May 6th.  Google Forms are due by Friday March 31st.

***Little League will have registration on Thursday in the commons from 4-5 PM Registration is $15 per student that are 7 by May 1st and can not turn 14 by May 1st.

***Here are a few words of wisdom: 

Cy Young was a great American baseball player. In his memory, an award

for the best major-league pitcher was created - the Cy Young Award.
Listen to what he has to say to us today:
                 In our day, when a pitcher got into trouble in a game,
                 instead of taking him out, our manager would leave him 
                 in and tell him to pitch his way out of trouble.
The game of baseball has often been compared to the game we call Life.
So today, you might ask yourself these questions: Do I walk off the field
too quickly when I'm in trouble of failing? Am I too eager to walk away and
let someone else deal with the mess I leave behind?
Next time you've pitched yourself into trouble - take responsibility for your 
actions, hang in there, and keep pitching until you've turned the problem
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.