Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Today is a B Day
Announcement for today include:
***Happy Birthday to Chance Yesterday
***Happy Birthday to Christopher who was born on Feb. 29th.
***Lunch for today is: Cheeseburger or BBQ Meatball Sub
***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Chocolate Chip muffin or choice of cereal
***Wednesday for Lunch is: Walking Tacos or Cheese & Pepperoni Flatbread
***HS Varsity Basketball game (A) vs. Pacelli @ 7:00 PM
***Dr. Seuss Week:
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday -Wear wacky clothes and hair
Thursday: Cat in the Hat Day - Dress like a cat or
wear black, white, red & a hat.
Friday: Fox in Socks Day - Wear your silliest or mismatched socks
***There will be a Student Council meeting during 7th hour on Wednesday, March 1st. All members are required to attend, unless they have a class conflict. Members-please check the post in google classroom for more information.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Marian Wright Edelman, one of America's most respected educators, has
this to say about her childhood:
My daddy used to ask us whether the teacher had given us
homework. If we said no, he'd say, "Well. assign yourself."
Part of growing up is learning self-discipline -learning to discipline
yourself so that the adults in your life don't have to. And as Marian
Edelman's father says, you have to start learning to "assign yourself" by
deciding when to put in a little extra effort, when to review, when to move ahead, and when to create a timeline or a project plan.
Today, take another step toward becoming a responsible, successful
human being. Assign yourself to a job that you know you need to get done.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.