Good Morning Gresham Wildcats
Today is Thursday, February 16, 2023
Today is a A Day
Announcement for today include:
***There will also be NO Homework Club or 10th hour Today, Feb.16th.
***There is NO School tomorrow, Friday February 17th (Vacation Day)
***Lunch for today is: Pepperoni Pizza or Pasta w/Meat Sauce
***Breakfast & Lunch for Friday - NO School
***Breakfast for Monday is: Tater Tot Breakfast Bowl or Cereal
***Monday for Lunch is: Chicken Tenders & Max Stix
***CONGRATULATIONS to BOTH Quiz Bowl Teams on their wins against White Lake yesterday!! Alex led the B team in points while Maddie led the A Team. Congratulations and great job to both teams! Way to finish the season strong!
***MS Girls Basketball Pizza Party in the Commons Today, Thursday,
February 16th at 3:30-4:30 pm. Please bring your uniforms to turn in as well.
***There will be a short meeting right after school today, Thursday Feb.16th,
for 9-12 grade students who are interested in going out
for Baseball in the commons.
***HS Girls Basketball JV/Varsity (H) vs. Almond @ 6:00 PM
***HS Boys Basketball Varsity (A) vs. Almond on Friday night @ 6:30 PM
Bus time will be 4:15 PM
***FFA Week kick off on Monday. The dress up days is Merica Monday. Dress up in red,
white, and blue. All FFA members will receive string cheese during lunch period.
***8th Grade Boy Basketball practice on Monday 3:30-5:00 PM. Tournament in Shawano
next Saturday February 25th.
***HS Softball meeting in Mr. Zobeck's room on Wednesday,
February 22nd at 12:20 pm. If you are in 9th-12th grade and
interested in joining softball this spring please attend.
***Here are a few words of wisdom:
Mary Pickford was one of the most popular stars in American film history.
She was called America's Sweetheart because the characters she
portrayed were always simple and wholesome.
But Mary Pickford knew that life isn't always simple and good. Now listen
to what she has to say to us today:
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is
always another chance for you. What we call failure is not
the falling down, but the staying down.
If you're feeling down because you've made some mistakes, think about
these words. And remember, there is a counselor here at school who
can help you get back on your feet. Don't choose failure by letting your
past mistakes keep you down. Choose again. Get support from those who
can help.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.